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Application Form

Section 1: Delegate Information


Emergency Contact

Section 2: Education details

University/ school Year of registration Graduation year Field of study (e.g. epidemiology, infectious diseases) Qualification (e.g. BSc, MBBCH)

No education details added

Section 3: Work experience

Name of institution/ company Country of employment Year employment initiated Year employment terminated/ ‘ongoing’ Job title

No work experience added

Section 4: Details of current supervisor/ director/ head of institute

Section 5: Experience in vaccinology/ immunization

A. Vaccinology-related past experience and present activities

Please indicate, with details, your most important vaccinology-related past experience and present activities. Give details on your present or future responsibilities with particular emphasis on what relates to vaccines or vaccination strategies. This information will be essential during the selection process. (max 500 words)

B. Previous vaccinology training courses

Name of course Date of course attendance (year) Duration (days) Location of course

No previous vaccinology training details added

Section 6

Please describe your decision-making responsibility in the field of vaccine development, research, vaccination strategies or introduction of new vaccines into public health programs (max 150 words)

Section 7

How will this course have an impact on (i) your professional career, (ii) your institution and (iii) your country/ region? Indicate why you want to attend this course? (max 200 words)

Section 8

List of your most relevant publications in ISSN accredited journals with authors, title and complete reference (Max 15)

Section 9

List of your most relevant presentations with authors, title and complete reference (Max 15)

Required Documents

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